I don’t know about you, but I always had many ideas. And they didn’t slow down in time, on the contrary! 🙂 In the past, I was puzzled when someone suddenly stopped talking to me, but a good friend helped
“Meeting With My Self” … new book is coming! :-)
Since I love nature and take lots of pictures, I occasionally noticed that some of them “speak” … at least to me! 🙂 In 2009, three years after I start my coaching practice, I began to feel frustrated that many
Perfectionism: asset or threat?

Hmm, perfectionism! A lot of people proud themselves for being perfectionists, and many introverts are! We enjoy so much the power of our mind: mulling things over and over, getting excited about the possibilities of improvement, getting curious what else can
Feeling stuck?
I like this river! Couldn’t illustrate better how people get stuck in their head, instead of going with the flow. 🙂 View this post on Instagram I like this river! Couldn’t illustrate better how people get stuck in their head,
Introverts: Public Speaking & Relationships Analogy

Since I like to empower introverts to step up for themselves, I’ve noticed that many of them are struggling with public speaking. This reminds me about how I used to be: quite shy, refraining to voice my opinion (even in small
What coaches are good at …

Coaches are good at helping to identify those beliefs and thoughts that don’t serve you anymore, and replace them with more empowering ones … so you can see the world from a more empowering perspective, with positive effects on your
Trading Health for Time
In a civilized, modern world, we could expect more people to be healthy because we know more than our grandparents … don’t we?! Yet, you might have already noticed by now that knowing and doing are totally different “animals”. 🙂
Freedom is a state of mind
I wrote this yesterday, on my way home, after giving a workshop. One of the participants was very negative: that type of “I know it all”, “I tried it all and it doesn’t work”, “It’s not about me, it’s about
Information Hunger: another way to procrastinate?
It’s funny how our curiosity to learn more could play against us sometimes. Some of us develop an Information Hunger, wanting to know more and more about a certain topic. It’s certainly the case of those who got the Self-Growth
How to let go …
When I’ve posted my Letting go card on facebook, someone asked: “How to do it, to let go?” Good question! 🙂 Here’s my answer: Option A “Letting go” is an easy process when you don’t have anything else resisting to