Day 11: How can you become happier … … without looking for another clown to cheer you up? In a group I’m part of, there is someone who seems to be constantly unhappy. She’s on a permanent hunt to find
Meeting with yourself: Day 11 (happier)

Day 11: How can you become happier … … without looking for another clown to cheer you up? In a group I’m part of, there is someone who seems to be constantly unhappy. She’s on a permanent hunt to find
Day 9: What are you willing to let go to welcome new things into your life? To be ready for success and happiness? With all the things available these days, we think we need to take more and more in: new clothes, new
Day 1: Our parents taught us what they knew about life, the best they could. Were they happy? Were they successful? Did they follow their dreams? If not, do you want to continue to live your life based on those
Hmm, perfectionism! A lot of people proud themselves for being perfectionists, and many introverts are! We enjoy so much the power of our mind: mulling things over and over, getting excited about the possibilities of improvement, getting curious what else can
The parents’ role is to create a safe space that enables self discovery, and facilitates the expression of their child personality… not to impose their own ideas on how the child should be or become. The better they play that
When I received the email from Passages of Canada, I quickly embraced the opportunity to speak on July 30th at the Stories of Ours event organized by Erin Kang at the Centre for Social Innovation – Regent Park, Toronto. I found
The I am Charlie movement captured recently the media attention, and many manifestations of protest and sympathy were organized in Toronto and around the world. This made me question the concept “Freedom of expression”. In my opinion, everything we do or
Oh wow, January’s already gone! When?? The winter cold invites us to less activity, but the cold temperatures shouldn’t take us by surprise … they are here every year! One of my work colleague doesn’t seem to accept that, even
– Do you know that your have a talent for writing? Have you thought of writing more? – I asked. – Yes I know, but I don’t know why I should write – he answered. – Did you write down
Technology advancements push us to change. Some people do, some don’t. Those who feel compelled to adopt the new changes might get excited, or not. Those who do, might get addicted or not. If they do, do they also take