The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. He suggested eight types of intelligences at that time: Spatial, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic. Another one was proposed later on: Existential. Howard believes that we
I’m on YouTube!
It’s been a while since I wanted to create my own videos. Drum roll pleeeease….! 🙂 My first two videos are already on YouTube: What a professional needs Long term objective I’ll do my best to update one video weekly.
How quickly do you bounce back?
I’m just curious: what would you do if you found out you have only two more days to work there? On Wednesday, January 18, 2012, two days after I came back from visiting my cute little grandson (7 days old),
Best answer…
Do you take advantage of the Questions/ Answers feature of Linkedin? When your answer is chosen as the best answer, it will show up on your profile, and your profile visitors could also get an idea of how you think
Fits IN a box, and facilitate OUT of the box thinking!
The photo-coaching album “Meeting with Yourself” has a completely new look: fits IN a box, and facilitate OUT of the box thinking! Whether you’re feeling stressed, frustrated or need to generate new ideas, this album will provide the stimulus needed
From suicidal thoughts to starting her own business
I noticed that many people don’t know what to expect from coaching, or what topics they could bring into discussion. That’s why, with my client permission, I share with you her feedback after a thee months coaching relationship. Fidel to
How our own thoughts affect the job search results
The workshop “How our own thoughts affect the job search results“ always gets good feedback from participants, for example: “Gabriela engaged the group in a thought-provoking series of interactive exercises that help us see the effects of our thought processes
What’s in it for me?
The end of this December is also the end of my one-year mandate as the president of Romanian Business Networking Society ( In the feedback received from a RBNS member (who’s also one of the RBNS founders), he mentioned that
The Career Basket
Today I’d like to bring to your attention the Career Basket. Without getting into a discussion about financial investments, we all know that an investment basket should contain more than one fund or company to invest. Why? Because thus we
It’s been one year…
… since I’ve participated in the Sedona Sweat Lodge that got the headlines of many articles and TV news, especially in US, since it happened in October 2009. The media portrayed it in many ways, and lawsuits are on their