Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Spiritual Concepts: A Visual Representation (new book)

Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Integrity and challenging the status quo are two of my values (because they lead to progress). It’s not always comfortable to speak up, but I prefer to put seeds of positive change instead of waiting to be knocked down by non-effective rules and unfair situations.
Hmm, should I say another language or my language?! 🙂 I’m a Romanian established at Toronto, Canada, since 2003. While I’m also fluent in English and French, I decided to write my first book in English Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths
I don’t know about you, but I always had many ideas. And they didn’t slow down in time, on the contrary! 🙂 In the past, I was puzzled when someone suddenly stopped talking to me, but a good friend helped
Day 26: “Spring” is coming, are you getting ready? Do you pay attention to your physical strength, exercising and eating properly? If it’s “Winter” time in your life (you’re going through a difficult situation right now), keep in mind that Nature
Day 25: Do you have friends? Do you connect with people who are going in the same direction, and supporting you? Or do you surround yourself with those who keep you stuck or drain your energy? When you decide to
Day 24: Do you allow the phantoms from the past to haunt you, and influence your life? “I was told that …” “My teacher said …” “I was never good at …”, and so on. Who can guarantee that those
Day 23: What can you learn from nature? How can you apply that learning? Nature is a great teacher, at least for me: it’s resilient, trusting its own power, appreciates diversity, always evolving yet operating in cycles that allow regeneration …
Day 22: The relationship itself is a separate entity. How are you nurturing it? What would you like to get out of it? How would you like a relationship to be: supportive? creative? funny? loving? … When I talk about
Day 21: How often do you put yourself on the edge: exploring or learning something new, getting out of your comfort zone? Next time you will be more familiar with the new situation, and you can expand your abilities even