If you’re part of an organisation, wouldn’t you be happier if there was a system in place to encourage employees to express their talents, and to acknowledge their strengths… more often? Wouldn’t those employees feel happier if they are perceived
I am ok… you too?
Two days ago, I’ve created a new meetup group to share with other members of the community my knowledge. I was planning to use my photo-coaching albums as starting point for the discussions. This could be my way of volunteering
From suicidal thoughts to starting her own business
I noticed that many people don’t know what to expect from coaching, or what topics they could bring into discussion. That’s why, with my client permission, I share with you her feedback after a thee months coaching relationship. Fidel to
What’s in it for me?
The end of this December is also the end of my one-year mandate as the president of Romanian Business Networking Society (www.rbn-society.com). In the feedback received from a RBNS member (who’s also one of the RBNS founders), he mentioned that
Handle a difficult situation
One day I went to a Timothy’s coffee shop, put my coat and the heavy bag on a chair, and head on to the counter to buy a tea. I saw people doing the same thing in the cold season.
The Career Basket
Today I’d like to bring to your attention the Career Basket. Without getting into a discussion about financial investments, we all know that an investment basket should contain more than one fund or company to invest. Why? Because thus we
Talking about my Canadian career path
Where are you on your path? This was my speech for the United Way fund-raising campaign 2009, talking about my Canadian career path and the impact of Centre Francophone de Toronto on my career: “Hello everyone, and Thank you for
Happiness and relationship
I’m a strong believer that happiness comes from inside. When you’re happy with who you are, you don’t need someone else to tell you how wonderful you are.. you just know! Of course, it’s great to hear from other(s), but