What a joy to receive the first copies of my newly published book Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul!
Of course, I couldn’t stop myself from taking a pic and post it on social media. Soon after the likes start coming in, what a feat for a writers eye! 🙂

And to make it even better, while I was checking Amazon for the book link, I noticed the #1 New Release best-selling banner for the paperback format … yippee!!! 🙂 The Kindle format already got it a few days ago.

Many thanks to all the readers who made this happen!
If you read this book (or any of my books), please leave a review online! Your fellow readers will be grateful to read your opinion, so they can make a more informed decision if they consider to buy it.
Don’t know how to write a review? Nina Munteanu wrote an article about this: https://ninamunteanu.me/2016/11/08/writing-a-review-on-amazon-or-goodreadsits-not-so-hard-to-do
If you’d like to check out Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul:
• https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N632YDW (or any other Amazon website)
• It’s also available on Apple Books, Kobo / Indigo and Barnes&Noble / Nook.
You’ll find all the links on my Books page.
~ Gabriela