1. They both evolve. We need to keep up with what’s going on, instead of relying on assumptions.global_touch_connection_9905_mic
2. Curiosity. Asking questions, being open to continuously learn help both of them. Plus, it keeps us interested in what’s new or how to handle differently a situation.
3. They enhance each other. Technology helps us connect, build relationships (social media, meetups, etc.), and stay up to date. Successful relationships rely on effective communication (online and offline) and information, so science is encouraged to develop advanced technologies to create smarter and more effective gadgets. Warning: use technology with caution, because it could also affect relationships! πŸ™‚
4. Collaboration. Without it, neither relationships nor technology will get too far.

What would you add? πŸ™‚

PS: The idea of this post came while using my new little β€œtoy” called iPhone, so smart yet user friendly. How did I manage to live without it until now? πŸ™‚ So useful for business, and not only!

Relationships and Technology: what they have in common? πŸ™‚
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