Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
Book Giveaway!

Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
In 2003, I stepped into Canadian soil with the desire to change my life—both professionally and personally. Looking back, it seems that my expectations have been far exceeded by reality. Changes (on both levels) have become a way of life
On November 28, 2019, I delivered the keynote presentation “Job Search for Introverts” to 70 front-line workers at the sold-out event organized by the Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership (TWLIP) – Employment Resource Connections Action Group. The presentation was based
I usually stay away from networking events and conferences, although I can understand their potential value… to a certain extent! Looking from a system perspective, there are many things that organizers can do to make a conference more beneficial to
Do you find it hard to “sell” yourself during the job interviews? Or to stand out in a competitive job market? Join us at one (or both) of the FREE author talks & lectures Job Search for Introverts organized by the Toronto Public Library:
A few years ago I was part of a team that put together a “Back to work” event to celebrate September, the month when most employees crossed the summer vacation off their list. 🙂 Inspired by this idea, I’m teaming
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but relationships are everywhere: Career advancement doesn’t happen without building good relationships based on credibility and trust Living a meaningful life is the effect of having a great relationship with ourselves, respecting our own
Do you sometimes think that you’re all good to go to apply the learning from a course you took? This is wishful thinking because the learning is not fully integrated just by being exposed to it. Not even if we teach
Job searching is stressful … right? Applying on numerous sites, entering your information again and again, hoping to get a call back, practicing interview questions, finding the right words to say during an interview… it’s stressful. In the past 7 years,
He was trying for a couple of years to get a better job in his field. Tiredness, frustration, low confidence, lack of energy were just a few symptoms he was dealing with when we’ve started the coaching session. – I’m