Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
Book Giveaway!

Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
Do you find it hard to “sell” yourself during the job interviews? Or to stand out in a competitive job market? Join us at one (or both) of the FREE author talks & lectures Job Search for Introverts organized by the Toronto Public Library:
It’s quite nice to find a review of my book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search on the Success Values website. And being shared 34 times in just a few hours is even better! 🙂 http://successvalues.com/introverts-effective-job-search
I wonder if a book can have a life of its own. Let me explain where this thought came from: In case you don’t know, the idea of writing my book came last year while I was going through difficult
While I figured out by myself what I want for a career change back in 2006, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality test taken a year after confirmed my choice. It also introduced me to definitions of Extrovert and Introvert
It’s the morning of April 15, 2002, about 5 o’clock in the morning. Irina, my daughter, is hugging me tight: “I don’t want you to leaaave… again!”. Still holding her in my arms, I start crying, big tears coming out
Did you notice a Silver Line embedded in your life? Mine is certainly strongly connected with the French language. I start learning French in the 5th grade, and continued throughout the high school. I’m Romanian, and it’s easy for us
If you’re in Toronto in September, I invite you to my photo exhibition: “Mon meilleur ami: la nature” (My best friend: nature) Celine-Allard Gallery, Centre francophone de Toronto 20 Lower Spadina Ave., Toronto, M5V 2Z1 Opening event: Sep. 6th, 6:30