Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Spiritual Concepts: A Visual Representation (new book)

Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Day 10: What could you do to touch someone’s soul? A smile, acknowledging and encouraging people around you might melt the ice, and make you feel good at the same time. Most of us are good at criticizing and seeing
In the free e-book The 3 Levels of Reality: A Doorway to Happiness, I’ve described the concept “3 Levels of Reality” (3LR), and the associated process that could help us become happier and more successful (the way we define “success”).
At least that’s what my client found out at the end of the coaching session. I should’ve added “holding on and not expressing your opinions”, because that was the case with my client. The part of herself that wanted to
I was asked to write about depression, so here’s my perspective on it: Few years ago I heard that in Canada 1 out of 2 people suffers from depression. I was a little puzzled by such statistics, considering Canada a
If you’re part of an organisation, wouldn’t you be happier if there was a system in place to encourage employees to express their talents, and to acknowledge their strengths… more often? Wouldn’t those employees feel happier if they are perceived
The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983. He suggested eight types of intelligences at that time: Spatial, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic. Another one was proposed later on: Existential. Howard believes that we
Please share, if you like it! 🙂 Thanks! Gabriela, PS: If you have an offer for July too, list it here! 🙂
The feeling of happiness resides in each of us. Some people are waiting for someone else or circumstances to bring it to the surface. Someone replyed to this on my facebook page, saying she didn’t reach that state yet. My answer:
A coaching session today made me think about the past: I was still in Romania in 1998, when I sent my children to visit their father in States during the summer holidays. We were already divorced. What happened after? He