How well do you know your own strengths? And those of your co-workers? Hmmm… isn’t it interesting that others can describe better than you…your own book? 🙂 Every feedback I receive for the book Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul helps me
“Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths…” is taking over the world
Had a coffee with another coach last week when she mentioned: “A book chooses who writes it, not the other way around.” Based on my own experience with the book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search“, I
Success Values – Introverts – Job Search
It’s quite nice to find a review of my book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search on the Success Values website. And being shared 34 times in just a few hours is even better! 🙂
Can a book have a life of its own?
I wonder if a book can have a life of its own. Let me explain where this thought came from: In case you don’t know, the idea of writing my book came last year while I was going through difficult
It felt so good …
It was afternoon break time. Although I’ve started the day with a lot of energy, I was already tired by then. I chose to just sit there, looking around, not in the mood for conversation with anyone in the room.
Read a FREE chapter from my upcoming book
Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search Click on the image to receive a chapter from my upcoming book. You will receive the same chapter that made Natalia say: “I’ve read the chapter 4 and fell in love!!!
Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search (book)
Curious why I’m writing a book on effective job search for introverts? Last year, I was struggling with voice problems. Almost a month after they’ve started, there was no progress toward recovering. I also had voice problems the previous year, but
Introverts Guide to Job Search (leverage your strengths)
Meeting with yourself: Day 18 (single)
Day 18: Look for the beauty and learn from everything, even if it looks “dark” and “cold”. For example: What’s good about being single? You have the opportunity to spend more time with yourself, to (re)discover what’s important to you, what
Meeting With Yourself: Day 3 (got stuck?)
Day 3: Got stuck? Take an alternative route! It might take you to a place where you will learn something new, that will help you in the long term! What other alternate routes could be available? ———— What many people