Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
Book Giveaway!

Would you like a signed printed copy of Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search? Or do you know someone struggling with job hunting? I’m running a book giveaway for Canada and the US on Goodreads, for a
On November 28, 2019, I delivered the keynote presentation “Job Search for Introverts” to 70 front-line workers at the sold-out event organized by the Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership (TWLIP) – Employment Resource Connections Action Group. The presentation was based
I usually stay away from networking events and conferences, although I can understand their potential value… to a certain extent! Looking from a system perspective, there are many things that organizers can do to make a conference more beneficial to
Do you find it hard to “sell” yourself during the job interviews? Or to stand out in a competitive job market? Join us at one (or both) of the FREE author talks & lectures Job Search for Introverts organized by the Toronto Public Library:
Had a coffee with another coach last week when she mentioned: “A book chooses who writes it, not the other way around.” Based on my own experience with the book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search“, I
A few years ago I was part of a team that put together a “Back to work” event to celebrate September, the month when most employees crossed the summer vacation off their list. 🙂 Inspired by this idea, I’m teaming
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but relationships are everywhere: Career advancement doesn’t happen without building good relationships based on credibility and trust Living a meaningful life is the effect of having a great relationship with ourselves, respecting our own
I wonder if a book can have a life of its own. Let me explain where this thought came from: In case you don’t know, the idea of writing my book came last year while I was going through difficult
Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search Click on the image to receive a chapter from my upcoming book. You will receive the same chapter that made Natalia say: “I’ve read the chapter 4 and fell in love!!!
Curious why I’m writing a book on effective job search for introverts? Last year, I was struggling with voice problems. Almost a month after they’ve started, there was no progress toward recovering. I also had voice problems the previous year, but