On November 28, 2019, I delivered the keynote presentation “Job Search for Introverts” to 70 front-line workers at the sold-out event organized by the Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership (TWLIP) – Employment Resource Connections Action Group. The presentation was based
Success Values – Introverts – Job Search
It’s quite nice to find a review of my book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search on the Success Values website. And being shared 34 times in just a few hours is even better! 🙂 http://successvalues.com/introverts-effective-job-search
Read a FREE chapter from my upcoming book
Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search Click on the image to receive a chapter from my upcoming book. You will receive the same chapter that made Natalia say: “I’ve read the chapter 4 and fell in love!!!
Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search (book)
Curious why I’m writing a book on effective job search for introverts? Last year, I was struggling with voice problems. Almost a month after they’ve started, there was no progress toward recovering. I also had voice problems the previous year, but
Introverts Guide to Job Search (leverage your strengths)
Introverts: Fire Up Your Job Search (free webinar)
Job searching is stressful … right?  Applying on numerous sites, entering your information again and again, hoping to get a call back, practicing interview questions, finding the right words to say during an interview… it’s stressful. In the past 7 years,
Conflicts or Inner Selves Dialogues?
Do you know how to deal with conflicts between inner or outer roles? A few days ago I stumbled upon a blog post I wrote about two years ago: Job search as a driving journey*. Since in that coaching session
Job search strategy …if you don’t know what you want
Yesterday I was chatting on facebook with a young man who moved to Spain: – There’s no work for men here. (he said) – What would you like to do? – Anything… to make money. Without money you cannot live.