Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Spiritual Concepts: A Visual Representation (new book)

Am I the only one that—as soon as I put a mask on—I feel the need to touch my face? 🙂 It happens every time; I usually put it only when I’m inside a grocery store, I didn’t go anywhere
Day 10: Visualize your favourite place. Since I was very tired after coaching for 5.5 hours yesterday, I remembered the four-elements visualization and chose to do that instead. For the water element, I imagined myself diving deep into the ocean.
Hmm, should I say another language or my language?! 🙂 I’m a Romanian established at Toronto, Canada, since 2003. While I’m also fluent in English and French, I decided to write my first book in English Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths
I don’t know about you, but I always had many ideas. And they didn’t slow down in time, on the contrary! 🙂 In the past, I was puzzled when someone suddenly stopped talking to me, but a good friend helped
Day 15: How often do you quiet your mind? Most people keep their mind busy: worrying, analyzing, thinking … No wonder they lack ideas, feel tired, hopeless … Are you one of them? Research shows that meditating has many benefits,
In a civilized, modern world, we could expect more people to be healthy because we know more than our grandparents … don’t we?! Yet, you might have already noticed by now that knowing and doing are totally different “animals”. 🙂
It was almost two years since I start struggling with growing a business without having any other income, while having debts to pay (I made them taking courses, but they were still debts). I loved my daily meditation practice all
I was asked to write about depression, so here’s my perspective on it: Few years ago I heard that in Canada 1 out of 2 people suffers from depression. I was a little puzzled by such statistics, considering Canada a
When I’ve posted my Letting go card on facebook, someone asked: “How to do it, to let go?” Good question! 🙂 Here’s my answer: Option A “Letting go” is an easy process when you don’t have anything else resisting to
The workshop “How our own thoughts affect the job search results“ always gets good feedback from participants, for example: “Gabriela engaged the group in a thought-provoking series of interactive exercises that help us see the effects of our thought processes