Day 4: The water knows its intention and is not afraid to jump, going with the flow. Are you? Are you ready to “jump” on a good opportunity, learn from it, constantly adjusting your path to achieving your goals? ——-
Meeting With Yourself: Day 3 (got stuck?)
Day 3: Got stuck? Take an alternative route! It might take you to a place where you will learn something new, that will help you in the long term! What other alternate routes could be available? ———— What many people
Meeting With Yourself: Day 2 (end results)
Day 2: What’s more important to you: The end result? Or the person you become in the process of getting it? ————– I look around and see people being frustrated because that they didn’t get yet the results they expect.
Meeting With Yourself: Day 1 (parents and us)
Day 1: Our parents taught us what they knew about life, the best they could. Were they happy? Were they successful? Did they follow their dreams? If not, do you want to continue to live your life based on those