Do organizations have a mindset? If so, what it takes to build a successful mindset? When I prepared the webinar Positioning Your Mindset for Business Growth for a group of entrepreneurs, it occurred to me I should also talk about
Keynote Presentation “Job Search for Introverts” (sold out event)
On November 28, 2019, I delivered the keynote presentation “Job Search for Introverts” to 70 front-line workers at the sold-out event organized by the Toronto West Local Immigration Partnership (TWLIP) – Employment Resource Connections Action Group. The presentation was based
Job Search for Introverts
Do you find it hard to “sell” yourself during the job interviews? Or to stand out in a competitive job market? Join us at one (or both) of the FREE author talks & lectures Job Search for Introverts organized by the Toronto Public Library:
Success Values – Introverts – Job Search
It’s quite nice to find a review of my book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search on the Success Values website. And being shared 34 times in just a few hours is even better! 🙂
Do you know your strengths?
While I figured out by myself what I want for a career change back in 2006, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality test taken a year after confirmed my choice. It also introduced me to definitions of Extrovert and Introvert
Relationships and Technology: what they have in common? :-)
1. They both evolve. We need to keep up with what’s going on, instead of relying on assumptions. 2. Curiosity. Asking questions, being open to continuously learn help both of them. Plus, it keeps us interested in what’s new or
Traditional Training vs System Coaching*
Example of System Coaching session: Gabriela Casienanu, M.Eng, MBA, ORSC Organsation and Relationship Systems Coach
Example of a System Coaching session
I am aware that not too many people experienced a system oriented coaching session, or System Coaching (as I like to name it). If you are curious about how such a session looks like, and what could be the benefits
Summer is here, same my offer…
Please share, if you like it! 🙂 Thanks! Gabriela, PS: If you have an offer for July too, list it here! 🙂
3 Methods for Removing Limiting Beliefs
Which one do you prefer? Any other suggestions? 🙂 Gabriela Casineanu,